Lack of Closure Experience in pensions

Pensions are having to evolve with working practices. 80 years ago people would have a job for life. That job providing a pension that would grow as you aged. As few people moved jobs, tracking people would only need to be done by the employer.

Jobs for life are a rare thing now and in the UK with each new employer, you will receive a new pension through the companies pension provider. The department for work and pensions believe we now have on average 11 employers in our life time. That means 11 different pension pots with different service providers. Each keeping contact with the individual over potentially decades - an issue that we rarely apply ourselves to as designers.


A recent study by Age Concern, a UK charity, suggests 1 in 4 of these pots goes missing through lack of contact. Literally lost in time. This is an eye watering amount of money that could well make the difference between a cold winter or a comfortable one for many pensioners.

Keeping a service alive for decades is a complicated business and requires considerable thought for the Closure Experience - in this case tracking users over years and delivering their payout.

Joe Macleod
Joe Macleod has been working in the mobile design space since 1998 and has been involved in a pretty diverse range of projects. At Nokia he developed some of the most streamlined packaging in the world, he created a hack team to disrupt the corporate drone of powerpoint, produced mobile services for pregnant women in Africa and pioneered lighting behavior for millions of phones. For the last four years he has been helping to build the amazing design team at ustwo, with over 100 people in London and around 180 globally, and successfully building education initiatives on the back of the IncludeDesign campaign which launched in 2013. He has been researching Closure Experiences and there impact on industry for over 15 years.

Endings Aligned


Lack of Closure in digital